Promoting pride in country, respect for the flag and appreciation of our freedoms are the primary purposes of Exchange's Americanism programs. The tumultuous struggles of world powers in the twentieth century have done little to guarantee a peaceful future for the majority of the world's people. However, there's one country in modern times that people flock to for safety, freedom and opportunity — the United States of America. It is hard for Americans to imagine the horrors of modern struggles over religious and ethnic differences, the very differences we embrace.
Exchange's Americanism programs were born in the aftermath of World War II. At that time, patriotism was unquenchable, and Exchangites joined veterans and other civic groups in heralding the rich blessings of democracy.
A.C.E. stands for Accepting the Challenge of Excellence. This program recognizes high school students who have made a dramatic change in their attitude and performance during their high school years. These changes have enabled the students to overcome adversities and prepare for graduation. Clubs may also submit their top A.C.E. Award winner to the district competition. Winners at the district level then have an opportunity to compete for the National A.C.E. Award.
This is a positive program with two key objectives. First, it helps encourage students to overcome their hardships and get back on track toward a high school diploma. Second, the award recognizes those students who are often overlooked for their accomplishments. This special recognition serves as a powerful example to all students that hard work and perseverance really do pay.
This program is designed to honor men and women who serve as law enforcement officers or firefighters. It is most successful when done with the cooperation of local law enforcement agencies and the fire department. These resources can help you establish the criteria by which outstanding performance of duty or an especially kind or helpful act is publicly recognized. Your club serves as the magnifying glass which enables the public to see a clearer view of what law enforcement and firefighting work is all about.
Community service is the lifeline of Exchange. Exchange Clubs across the country spend countless hours and dollars improving their communities each year. In fact, many of the projects within the Program of Service have a common goal of serving and benefiting our communities. Then why a separate category called Community Service? Because while the programs listed under Child Abuse Prevention, Youth and Americanism focus on specific areas within the community, the following projects are more broad in scope and are designed to benefit every community member.
Child Abuse Prevention became the National Project of Exchange Clubs in 1979. Since that time, Exchange Clubs across the nation have become involved in child abuse prevention efforts in a variety of ways. Some of their many projects include establishing Exchange Club Child Abuse Prevention Centers and supporting affiliate programs (agencies providing child abuse prevention services but not complying with the program or organizational requirements for an Exchange Club Center).
Exchange Club Child Abuse Prevention Centers provide Parent Aide services and comply with our national accreditation standards .
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